Money Advice Service Help

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is profoundly impacting the lives of people right across the UK. It is not only affecting physical health – it has also created a financial wellbeing crisis that will continue to worsen for millions of people. The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is playing a critical role in helping these people to deal with the crisis now whilst also driving forward the vitally important UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing, laying the foundations for truly transformational change in the future.

As part of their commitment to helping people, they have launched a new online Money Navigator Tool to help people who have seen their finances impacted by Covid-19 by providing them with guidance personalised to their needs.

The tool will also help people who are looking for support in a specific area, as well as those who might be in a better financial position due to Covid-19 and want to know what to do with any savings they may have built up.